Mom Throws 4-Year-Old Daughter An Aldi-Themed Birthday Party

When 4-year-old Saylor’s obsession with discount supermarket chain Aldi started one year ago, it only made perfect sense to her mom Meaghan Singleton to throw her — you guessed it — an Aldi-themed birthday party this year. The best part? Aldi found out and sent Saylor a handwritten note and a box full of Aldi goodies.
The Aldi-themed birthday party has it all: on-theme Aldi posters that mimic the supermarket’s in-store signage, 25-cent cookies, a cash register-inspired fruit bar, Aldi’s popular Winking Owl wine, a three-tiered cupcake display that reads “Saylor Loves Aldi,” and much, much more.
Meaghan Singleton
“It took me about two weeks to pull everything together,” Meaghan told Scary Mommy. “I Googled Aldi signs that I could mimic, picked up the empty boxes while there, and thought about keeping it budget-savvy since Aldi is. With my trusty Cricut, we made ALDI come alive.”
It wasn’t difficult to create the party from scratch, “just time-consuming,” the mom from Sumter, South Carolina said, adding that she has five children with food allergies, “so majority of the food was made from scratch.”
Meaghan Singleton
In the end, Meaghan only spent $150 on the party, including all decor and food.
“There were 40 people in attendance. All the food was Aldi-bought besides a few vegan ingredients,” Meaghan added. “The back-drop is plastic table cloths, free boxes from Aldi, poster boards, cardstock, and a few clearance items from Michaels for goodie bags.”
She also had the Aldi logo embroidered on Saylor’s dress for just $10.
Meaghan Singleton
“Saylor absolutely freaked!” Meaghan said of her daughter’s reaction to the party. “She ran around saying ‘I love Aldi!’ for a while. Let’s just say her party decor is hanging around her room now.”
The birthday celebration didn’t end there, either. Meaghan also brought Saylor to their local Aldi for an in-store birthday photo shoot — and the photos are downright adorable.
Webb Trio Photography
“We love to do yearly photos of our children to not only see their growth but to incorporate what they loved that year — Aldi for Saylor,” Meaghan said, adding that they asked their long-time family friend, Pam Webb of Webb Trio Photography, to take the photos. “We made sure to include ‘the rug’ — Aldi nerds know what that is — and to take photos [in] the Isle of Shame,” she added.
The party even caught the attention of Aldi, who sent Saylor a box full of Aldi goodies and a note that read: “We heard you are [a] big fan of ours and we wanted to let you know we are fans of yours as well! You are a one of a kind Aldi find. Happy birthday!”
Meaghan Singleton
Saylor received the box yesterday, and clearly she loved it.
Meaghan Singleton
“We are a large military family, so Aldi is our go-to,” Meaghan said. “Ever since Saylor could sit in the cart, she’s been going with me. If we go to another grocery store, she questions me, ‘Why not Aldi?’ Savvy Saylor knows how to save money!”
This article was originally published on