Getting A Breast Lift Was The Best Thing I’ve Ever Done For Myself

When I was twelve, my breasts sprouted from little buds to a D cup in one summer. While all my friends were buying cute little bikini tops that resemble mini pizza slices, I would only wear a one-piece because it would smash down my boobs.
There weren’t any bathing suit tops that fit me well since those were the days before you could buy tops and bottoms separately. Not to mention the tops they did offer didn’t give me the support I needed or wanted.
That was when I started hating my chest — I always felt like they were low and saggy, and unless I wore a bra with an underwire, I had zero support.
Then, in my late 20s I had three kids in three years and nursed them all for a year or so, which took a toll as well.
I’ve struggled over the years to love my breasts; they have served me well. My partners always love them, they have fed my kids, I’ve never had any scares as far as lumps or spots or shady mammograms. For those reasons, I loved my breasts. But they were never what I wanted them to be.
Until now.
At forty-six, I decided enough was enough and I wanted to do something about my boobs, dammit. My friends and sisters had been talking to me about this for decades. It was something they knew I wanted to do, yet I was so scared to have the procedure, I felt guilty for spending the money since health insurance didn’t cover it, and I wasn’t really sure what my options were.
I felt strongly about not wanting to get implants, and I didn’t need a reduction since my boobs had gone from being a D, to a G while pregnant and nursing, then down to a B. I should also mention one of them hung over an inch lower than the other one.
I didn’t know if my breasts even had enough volume to get a lift, and it’s really hard to find any pictures online of just a breast lift — many choose to have a lift with a reduction, or a lift and implants.
So, I finally made an appointment after almost sixteen years, and I am so glad I did.
The plastic surgeon I met with was fantastic and didn’t try to talk me into anything I didn’t want to do. I told him my situation and that I liked the size of my breasts and I loved how they looked in a pushup, padded, underwire bra and he told me I was the perfect candidate for a lollipop lift.
A lollipop lift is when there is an incision made around your nipple and down the breast, then the tissue is pushed up and extra skin is removed.
I was confident this procedure would make me feel better, but I had no idea it would make me feel this great.
The doctors and nurses told me what to expect as far as the procedure and recovery time. You should know if you are considering a breast lift, the experience is different for everyone. This is just my experience.
I was at the hospital from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. This included an hour of prepping for surgery where my doctor came in and did a drawing on my bare boobies. He drew where my nipple would be — and I was in disbelief, because it was inches above my existing nip.
I didn’t know they could be raised that much, but hallefuckinglujah, let’s do the damn thing.
I went into the operating room, where they made sure I was comfortable, and I was asleep in less than two minutes.
When I woke up (it took me about an hour afterward to feel fully awake), I felt groggy but had no pain and no vomiting, which was something I was told might happen.
My boyfriend came in, and the nurse discussed aftercare which involved helping me get dressed, changing gauze, and making sure I took pain medication and didn’t drive. You must have a responsible adult with you for 24 hours immediately after surgery.
Again, everyone is different, but I managed my pain with Extra Strength Tylenol and Advil and did not take the Oxycodone that was prescribed to me.
I did stay on top of the schedule, though, and took medicine even if I had no pain exactly when the nurse told me to.
In six days, I no longer needed to take anything for pain.
After two days, I could shower, and after a week, I had full range of my arms and no longer had to wear button down shirts. I was also cleared to go for a brisk walk, which was amazing.
I wore a compression bra for a week which was honestly the worst part. I found the bra to be big and uncomfortable but hey, it was worth it. Some have to wear it for longer; remember, each person is different.
I’m now two weeks post-surgery and I feel completely back to normal.
I saved the best for last though: my boobs are so spectacular. They have never been this perky or full looking — not even as a teenager. In fact, I never have to wear a bra again if I don’t want to because in clothes, it looks like I’m wearing one.
Katie Bingham-Smith
This picture was taken less than 48 hours after surgery. Just to give you an idea of what went down (or should I say up?) my nipples used to fall an inch above the inside of my elbow when I wasn’t wearing a bra. They are now almost four inches higher.
They are round and perfectly symmetrical, and I have full feeling in my nipples.
Katie Bingham-Smith
I never have to wear an underwire bra again for as long as I live, and I can finally wear strapless things without a bra.
Before my surgery, strapless bras never stayed up on me and if I tried to wear something without an underwire, they would literally fall out the bottom. It was like I had two pancakes where my boobs were supposed to be.
I can’t recommend this surgery enough if it’s something you have been thinking about doing. A good rule of thumb from my plastic surgeon is, if you like the size and shape of your breasts, but just want them to be higher and firmer, a lift is the way to go.
The most important thing I want you to know, and I can’t emphasize this enough: it’s beyond important to go to someone you trust because you know and have talked to someone else that has gone a procedure done by them. This is a must.
If there’s something you want to do, make sure it’s for you — no one else. And if it’s guilt holding you back, remember you are so worthy of feeling great and confident in your skin.