Chrissy Teigen Is Done With 'Dieting And Diet Culture' & It's Refreshing AF

Chrissy Teigen has had enough of beating herself up over what she’s eating – ‘I spent too many years counting calories’
The beauty industry has changed, y’all. For years, the powers that be told women they weren’t good enough, or rather we would be if we bought this cream, put on that lipstick, or went to bed hungry. There even used to be a saying in the advertising world, ‘make a woman feel unattractive, and you can sell her anything.’ Things are changing, thank God, and as usual, our best friend Chrissy Teigen is here to show us the way.
“If it’s going to make me happy and make me feel good, then I indulge in it,” Teigen says in a new interview with People.
The model-author-former-Twitter champion claims she’s gone through “ups and downs” with “dieting and diet culture” over the years — and she’s not going to participate in it anymore.
“I’ve thrown all of that out of the window,” she says. “I think now at this point in my life it’s more important for me to enjoy things as they come.”
Teigen decided she’s going to concentrate on what’s “going to make me happy.”
“I eat things when I want them. Because if I don’t my mind personally goes crazy,” she shares. “I kind of put my mind over body a little bit, mind and spirit over body. If it’s going to make me happy and make me feel good, then I indulge in it.”
“Now I know that it’s on the ground playing with my kids, getting out there, going to a park, going to an aquarium, being able to drive around with my kids in the car,” says the star, who parents Luna, 4, and Miles, 2, with partner John Legend. “That is activity for me and I enjoy doing things like that.”
“I will say I indulge in some things I thought were maybe cuckoo before. I do appreciate a good sound bath and I’m learning to meditate,” Teigen adds, clarifying that she’s “not necessarily a great meditator because I really think so, so much.”
Movement has become something that’s enjoyable for her, but not something she stresses over, Teigen says.
“I do love yoga and pilates now but the balance in it is really nice because it’s nice to be able to kill two birds by playing with my kids and getting that activity in honestly. To me that’s more fun,” she says. “John is different, he’s the kind of guy who can go to the gym at like 6, 7 in the morning every single day no matter what but me, no, I try to have fun with it.”
“I’ve lived a whole life. I’ve spent way too many years counting calories, scheduling way too many workouts and trying to figure out what my term for wellness was for myself,” she says. “I’ve been trying to figure that out for so so long.”