Everyone Has A Disney Aesthetic — Which Do You Have In Your Family?

So, your kid is obsessed with Disney. Been there, friend. In fact, we’re here to help pass on a little parenting knowledge you’ll undoubtedly need soon if your offspring is as fixated on the House of Mouse as much as ours are: the definition of a Disney aesthetic. Because, at some point, your tiny human is going to beg you for a Disney-themed room. But not just any Disney-themed room — a room that reflects all of their most favorite things about Disney. A generic theme just won’t do! And believe it or not, pinpointing your kid’s Disney aesthetic can make this process much less stressful (read: fewer Mickey-induced meltdowns).
Bonus? This isn’t only fun for the kiddos. Everyone has an aesthetic, and if you’re a Disney fan, even you have a Disney aesthetic. A person’s Disney aesthetic will incorporate their actual vibe/personality, what they love most about Disney, and their favorite Disney character. For example, the villaincore crowd tends to love Disney rides like the Haunted Mansion and live for colder weather when they can wear dramatic velvet capes and channel their inner villain. Academics might fill their lives with Disney gifts that relate to their love for Belle, the ultimate bookworm princess.
If you’re not sure what that “aesthetic” means, you’re not alone. While the word “aesthetic” has been around for centuries, using it to describe who you are is a fairly new concept. However, as more people start to use what they own, how they dress and decorate, and even what they eat as a way to define themselves, a personal “aesthetic” develops. For instance, if you’re so into horror movies that you have an Abigail tattoo and a poster of Michael Myers in your home, you might say you have a murder-y aesthetic.
There are two things to consider when identifying an aesthetic, though. First, how you (or your kid) describe your aesthetic might be wildly different from how someone with the same interests describes it. That’s OK. But the words you use to describe it should still do a solid job invoking a reference for who you are or want to be. Second, know that a person can subscribe to an aesthetic without falling into everyone’s exact idea of what it is.
The difference between an aesthetic and a Disney aesthetic? Not much. It just adds another layer to describing a person’s vibe — and it can help you figure out the coolest way to approach decorating your little Disney fanatic’s room.
The Water Lover: Vitamin Sea Creatures
Favorite Characters: Moana, Lilo, Ariel, Squirt, Dory, Peter Pan’s mermaids, Princess Kida
Favorite Season: Summer
If you or your kid own anything that suggests you should be or are a mermaid, you’re definitely a Vitamin Sea Creature. VSCs know all the words to “How Far I’ll Go.” Their favorite Disney merch is probably their Dory towel and the sign above their door that says “Ohana means family.” Note: Interestingly, VSC kids might also be VSCO kids.
The Spooky Soul: It’s the Villaincore for Me
Favorite Characters: Ursula, Yzma, Evil Queen, Loki, Maleficent, Elsa, Cruella, Scar
Favorite Season: Fall or winter
Of course, Elsa isn’t exactly a villain. But she’s got a truly lovable dark side, does she not? Villaincore isn’t necessarily about rooting for the bad guys so much as just loving the deep and complex way that Disney handles their villains, their flair for the drama, and that bit of mischief we often see. If you’re in the Villaincore crowd, you probably have a crush on Loki. And your favorite season is Winter. (Because, capes. Obviously). You might also be a bit spooky and live for the Haunted Mansion.
The Academic: Beauty and the Brains
Favorite Characters: Belle, Bruce Banner, Milo Thatch (Atlantis), Tadashi Hamada, Merlin
Favorite Season: Fall (Because it’s back-to-school season. Duh!)
How hard was it to decide between going to Disney or going to Universal for Wizarding World? Most people with a bookish Disney aesthetic are also massive Potterheads. Academics dream of Beast’s library. And, let’s face it, they relate to Belle on a cellular level. If you’re the academic in your household, your might gravitate toward wood accents or French Provincial-inspired decor. If your kid’s the academic, their favorite part of visiting Disney has to be visiting the Be Our Guest restaurant and watching those rose petals fall.
The Foodie: A Dream Is a Dish Your Heart Makes
Favorite Characters: Remy, Mrs. Potts, Dug, Alice, Winnie The Pooh, Abu, Tiana, Meeko
Favorite Season: Fall
Fall is often the superior season for foodies because it ushers in a whole new range of flavors. Be honest: Every year you take an obligatory selfie with your first PSL. Your favorite thing about a trip to Disney World is all the on-theme food and drinks, of course! You live for that Dole Whip and get antsy to return to the most magical place on Earth whenever you hear about a new concession. A sure sign your little one falls under this Disney aesthetic? Their favorite Disney characters are Remy from Ratatouille and Tiana from Princess and the Frog.
The Creative: Aspiring Imagineers
Favorite Characters: Rapunzel, Anna, Ellie (Up!), Miguel, Jane, Rafiki, Cheshire Cat
Favorite Season: Spring or summer
Super-imaginative and artsy Disney fans can be filed under this aesthetic. Whether that means painting every surface with flowers, like Rapunzel, or scrapbooking like Ellie from Up!, this type is just naturally drawn to creating and designing. For this aesthetic, trips to Disneyland and Disney World include perusing WonderGround or sharpening their skills at the Animation Experience. And, yep, their favorite water bottle probably has an early sketch of their favorite character.
The Adventurer: Bare Necessities
Favorite Characters: Merida, Mulan, Pocahontas, Woody, Baloo, Anna
Favorite Season: Fall or spring
You might drive a Subaru, Jeep, or Volkswagen, and you probably live for that “van life” you see so much on TikTok. Fall and spring are your favorite seasons because they’re the best times for camping. A few princesses fit the bill of this aesthetic. Why? Because people who love the great outdoors tend to be tough and headstrong. Much like our girls Merida, Mulan, and Pocahontas. If your kid is obsessed with any of those characters (or all of them), this is the aesthetic for them. Or, if you frequent Disney, you can tell you gave birth to this type by how many times they drag you to ride Big Thunder Mountain Railroad and Expedition Everest.
The Homebody: If Hygge Was a Person
Favorite Characters: Aurora, Crush, Prince Eric, Kristoff, Geppetto, Wendy Darling
Favorite Season: Winter
Everyone’s drawn to people who embody the hygge aesthetic, but this type may like being alone best of all. Hygge culture is all about coziness, and so you’re all about hygge. Aurora obviously fits this list, what with the whole sleeping for a million years thing. We think Kristoff is clearly a Hygge-lover, too, what with his fuzzy clothes, Norwegian lineage, and all-around sweetness that makes him a person anyone can feel comfy around. Winter is the hygge type’s season because they can live in fuzzy boots and big sweaters.
The Introvert: Bashful Isn’t Just a Name
Favorite Characters: Piglet, Bashful, Flower, Linguini, Tantor
Favorite Season: Winter, Fall
Some people have quieter personality types. Many families and friend groups have an introverted pal, and Disney does a great job of showing there’s nothing wrong with being a little shyer than the rest of the gang. Several Disney characters share this personality type and are still included in all the adventures. Movies like Ratatouille and Winnie the Pooh show that introverted people can still get in on all the excitement even if they’re a bit bashful.
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