‘Everyone Stop Touching Me’
19 parents share what’s really on their minds

Sometimes, those moments when we simply just can’t — physically, emotionally, financially, or otherwise — can actually lead to good memories for our kids. Cereal for dinner? You might feel guilty that you didn’t cook, while your kids just think it’s fun. That’s just one example from this week’s Scary Mommy Confessional roundup... read on for what people had to say about relationships, homework, big feelings, and more.
Scary Mommy Confessions are a tried-and-true part of what makes our site so fun. If you want to anonymously confess, please tell all through the link here. And if you want to browse past Confessions, head here.
I’m sick of deciding what everyone will eat for dinner every single night
Confessional #21029873
I gave my kids cereal for dinner. 😔 they thought it was fun I felt terrible.
Confessional #28197635
Feeling unappreciated in just about every role in my life... not fun
Confessional #23738476
I wish I could celebrate Christmas right this second
Confessional #27265384
I’m mad at myself for starting over again with another child after 10 years
Confessional #23892679
I’m fighting an autoimmune disease and feel like a horrible wife and mom and friend
Confessional #28276539
I don’t know how to help my 9yo daughter feel confident and I feel like she is spiraling.
Confessional #27648596
My husband really wants another baby & I don’t. We can’t afford another one.
Confessional #23289375
I will do my kids homework if it’ll prevent a meltdown f$#% homework
Confessional #29861734
Everyone stop touching me.
Confessional #26736547
I always said 3 kids but I secretly wants a 4th to try for a girl.
Confessional #21039847
I made the right choice 4 the father of our kids, but I don’t think he’s my right choice 4 me.
Confessional #27836754
Being in a blended family is not for me.
Confessional #20918293
I wish my husband was a better partner but he’s not horrible and he’s a fun dad so I’ll stay.
Confessional #23909384
I am secretly in love with my coworker but we are both married
Confessional #23876490
I’m drowning at work and feel like it’s making me a mean mom at home.
Confessional #23292039
I make more money but still have to be the default parent and do the house work.
Confessional #23907283
My 3 yr old daughter is having lots of big emotions that I don’t know how to help with
Confessional #27836540
I think I married the most boring man in America. I’m losing my mind over here.
Confessional #28109281
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