‘My Parents Have Gotten Weird In Retirement & I Hate It’
In the latest Confessions roundup, 15 parents vent about breastfeeding, in-laws, and never-ending laundry.

The Scary Mommy Confessional gets plenty of juicy gossip and funny complaints — but also the occasional real pearl of wisdom. And this week is no different. You’ll read about breastfeeding difficulties, how hard it is to make mom friends in a new place, bad-smelling co-parents... and then you’ll find one of the truest things ever said about parenting: “Secret snacks are crucial to surviving motherhood.” If you know, you know. Read on for the full roundup.
Scary Mommy Confessions are a tried-and-true part of what makes our site so fun. If you want to anonymously confess, look for our weekly callouts on Instagram. And to browse past Confessions, head here.
If i wasn’t worried about how much time my son would see my MIL, I’d get a divorce
Confessional #81029878
Started going to weekly 6am Pilates. Feel like a new woman!
Confessional #81212930
Feeling terrible about my parent skills after repeated hour long tantrums with my 4 yr old
Confessional #81772687
I wish I hadn’t gotten divorced. Not because I love him, just because I need help.
Confessional #88192092
My coparent smells so bad it makes me gag and I hate leaving my toddler in that stink.
Confessional #81219301
My parents have gotten weird in retirement and I hate it
Confessional #81023422
I miss deep thinking. I feel like I just glide through the day now.
Confessional #81097283
It’s my anniversary and I haven’t acknowledged it because I really don’t care.
Confessional #87195583
Feeling like I can’t ever catch up. Laundry work kids. Something is always slacking
Confessional #81091286
Secret snacks are crucial to surviving motherhood.
Confessional #89010299
Some days I really hate breastfeeding & want to quit
Confessional #81772181
Alone. Moved here 8 mos ago and still haven’t found my ppl
Confessional #84876631
I want to quit working. Just had a baby. I miss my baby.
Confessional #87386955
I don’t feel guilty stopping complete contact with my dad.
Confessional #89120938
I want a break. Without my husband. Without my kids.
Confessional #81090292