Lumos! These 150+ Harry Potter Names Deserve Some Light Shined On 'Em

How much do you remember from the Harry Potter series? While we may not agree with everything J.K. Rowling stands for personally, there’s no denying that she created a deep, magnificent world steeped in fascinating history. Imagining such a thorough universe means coming up with a ton of characters with plenty of names. And when it’s a magical universe, those names can’t all be the ordinary names we’d find in schools today. Even if you’d never read the Harry Potter series or seen a single movie, you’d probably have a slight idea of some of the Harry Potter names given to the quirky, quizzical, and fantastical characters within Rowling’s wizarding realm.
Everyone knows Harry, right? A really aloof person might even butcher their attempts at the name Dumbledore. But real fans know their way around the HP trivia. And they know that the list of Wizarding World names goes so much longer than just those two and far deeper than the names of Harry’s family and classmates.
So, if you’re looking for a truly unique or whimsical name for your future kiddo, a pet, or even a character of your own, these Harry Potter names might just cast a spell on you and be the inspiration you need. See what you can do with these magical monikers!
Harry Potter Names From Famous Wizarding Families
Potter/Evans Family Tree
First, when you’re looking at Harry Potter names, you must look at Harry’s family’s storied past. Harry’s mother, Lily, was from the Evans family, where you’ll find names like Petunia and Dudley. (Yikes.) But Harry’s dad, James, has a family that is rich with interesting and magical names — like Fleamont and Euphemia, his parents. Going back even further, you’ll find better and wilder names. Here’s a quick list of names you’ll see on the Potter family tree.
- Abraham
- Albus
- Charlus
- Dorea
- Euphemia
- Fleamont
- GinevraweHardwin
- Harry
- Ignotus
- Iolanthe
- James
- Linfred
- Ralston
The Weasley Family Tree
Since Harry married Ginny and they named their daughter after her, Ginevra (her full name) appears on both the Weasley and Potter family trees. There are also plenty of other names on the Weasley’s tree. After all, even just the Weasleys we meet seem to take up about half of the main characters in Harry Potter! We also include Hermione and Fleur on this list, as they married into the family, too. Plus, neither of those family trees is explored well in the books.
- Arthur
- Angelina
- Audrey
- Cedrella
- Charles
- Dominique
- Fred
- Fleur
- George
- Ginevra
- Hermione
- Hugo
- Louis
- Lucy
- Molly
- Percy
- Ronald
- Rose
- Roxanne
- Septimus
- Victoire
- William
Harry Potter Names From the Black Family Tree
The Blacks were a tormented lot, that’s for sure. We’d be remiss not to include them right at the top of our list, though. Looking over the Black family tapestry, you’ll find names like…
- Alexia
Meaning: Defender or defender of men
- Andromeda
Meaning: “Advising like a man”
- Arcturus
Meaning: Guardian of the bear
- Cygnus
Meaning: Swan
- Eduardus
Meaning: Prosperity, wealth, guard or defend
- Ella
Meaning: All, completely, or fairy maiden
- Elladora
Meaning: A gift sent from heaven
- Hesper
Meaning: Evening star
- Iola
Meaning: Violet-colored dawn
- Licorus
Meaning: Sweet root
- Magenta
Meaning: Purplish red color
- Misapinoa
Meaning: Mishap
- Narcissa
Meaning: Daffodil
- Nigellus
Meaning: Champion
- Phoebe
Meaning: Bright or shining
- Phineas
Meaning: Serpent’s mouth or oracle
- Regulus
Meaning: Little king
- Sirius
Meaning: Glowing
- Ursula
Meaning: Bear
- Violeta
Meaning: People
Even More Harry Potter Names
Harry Potter House Elf and Goblin Names
We can all agree Dobby was one of the best elves of all time. In the Harry Potter world, elves and goblins are tiny magical creatures part of the wizarding world. Goblins are especially good at managing money and even run the Gringotts Wizarding Banks. They can also do magic without the help of a wand. Some wizards view them as subservient creatures, but elves and goblins are actually extremely clever.
- Bogrod (goblin)
- Dobby (house elf)
- Gornuk (goblin)
- Griphook (goblin)
- Hokey (house elf)
- Kreacher (house elf)
- Winky (house elf)
Harry Potter Names of Professors, Teachers, and Instructors
- Cuthbert Binns
- Charity Burbage
- Alecto Carrow
- Amycus Carrow
- Albus Dumbledore
- Firenze
- Fillius Flitwick
- Wilhelmina Grubbly-Plank
- Rubeus Hagrid
- Rolanda Hooch
- Silvanus Kettleburn
- Gilderoy Lockhart
- Remus Lupin
- Minerva McGonagall
- Quirinus Quirrell
- Aurora Sinistra
- Horace Slughorn
- Severus Snape
- Pomona Sprout
- Sybill Trelawney
- Wilkie Twycross
- Dolores Umbridge
- Septima Vector
Harry Potter Pet Names
- Buckbeak (hippogriff)
- Crookshanks (cat)
- Errol (owl)
- Fang (boarhound)
- Fawkes (Phoenix)
- Fluffy (three-headed dog)
- Hedwig (owl)
- Norbert (dragon)
- Pigwidgeon (owl)
- Scabbers (rat)
- Trevor (toad)
Ghosts and Spirits of Harry Potter
- Cuthbert Binns
- Helena Ravenclaw (AKA The Grey Lady)
- The Blood Baron
- The Fat Friar
- Myrtle Warren (AKA Moaning Myrtle)
- Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington (AKA Nearly Headless Nick)
Harry Potter Names of the Hogwarts Founders
- Godric Gryffindor
- Helga Hufflepuff
- Rowena Ravenclaw
- Salazar Slytherin
Other Hogwarts’ Students Names
Is this a complete list of every Hogwarts student ever? No. But here’s a look at some of the students with whom Harry Potter attended Hogwarts.
- Susan Bones
- Terry Boot
- Lavender Brown
- Millicent Bulstrode
- Vincent Crabbe
- Colin Creevey
- Dennis Creevey
- Cedric Diggory
- Marietta Edgecombe
- Justin Finch-Fletchley
- Seamus Finnigan
- Anthony Goldstein
- Gregory Goyle
- Angelina Johnson
- Lee Jordan
- Neville Longbottom
- Luna Lovegood
- Draco Malfoy
- Ernie Macmillan
- Eloise Midgen
- Cormac McLaggen
- Theodore Nott
- Pansy Parkinson
- Padma Patil
- Parvati Patil
- Demelza Robins
- Dean Thomas
- Romilda Vane
- Blaise Zabini
Death Eater Names
Death eaters are just as scary as their name. The creepy followers of Lord Voldemort, these wizards, witches, and even muggle-borns (although very rarely) practice the dark arts and have no regard for wizarding law. They often wear black hoods and a mask and have a mark burned on their left forearms. Death eaters are probably one of the most dangerous groups in the wizarding world.
- Alecto Carrow
- Amycus Carrow
- Crabbe
- Barty Crouch Jr.
- Antonin Dolohov
- Goyle
- Fenrir Greyback
- Igor Karkaroff
- Bellatrix Lestrange
- Walden Macnair
- Lucius Malfoy
- Nott Sr.
- Peter Pettigrew
- Augustus Rookwood
- Thorfinn Rowle
- Stan Shunpike (possibly)
- Severus Snape (Well… this is just awkward.)
- Corban Yaxley
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