Hilary Duff Gets Real About Wanting To Have More Kids

Hilary Duff doesn’t hold back on anything motherhood-related in a new interview
In an interview with Romper, the actor opened up about the possibility of more kids, juggling her career and motherhood and more. And in a wonderfully relatable moment, even readily admitted that she’s put on gym clothes and then decided to hit the Taco Bell instead of the weights.
Duff is smack dab in the middle of the glorious “momomomomomomomomom” years. And despite the constant chaos and the super-human level of patience and multi-tasking that this stage of motherhood requires, it doesn’t mean that she’s necessarily done having more kids.
When asked point-blank during the interview, “So, are you done?” Duff has an equally direct and honest answer, “I don’t think so.”
Despite juggling her successful career and three kids (she’s also mom to Banks, 3, and Mae, 11 months), she doesn’t hesitate when it comes to the idea of adding more babies to her blended family’s mix. “It’s psychotic, I know. We might be,” she said. “I don’t know. I love being a parent with Matt.” (Duff married musician and producer Matthew Koma in 2019.)
And now that their second daughter is approaching her first birthday, Duff hasn’t made any definitive plans when it comes to whether Mae is her last. “We are obsessed with our kids, even though we’re so exhausted,” she added. “My entire life’s mission is to be a good parent.”
But that also doesn’t mean that Duff thinks she’s nailed it — or is even close — to achieving the perfect parent status. And despite her financial success and access to help, her daily struggles are refreshingly relatable: “I wish I could tell you we were the family that all sits down and eats dinner together every night… We all sat down together like three days ago at the table, and I was like, ‘Oh my gosh, we’re all sitting at the table together! What’s going to be our topic? Highlight of the day? Worst part of the day? Go!’ And Luca was like, ‘What’s wrong with you?’”
And Duff tries to apply this same honesty when it comes to her parenting style — like when her son “uttered one of the more esoteric euphemisms for penis” and asked her what it meant. In that moment, Duff — like every other gobsmacked parent who has been in a similar situation with an inquisitive kid — had options. “It’s that moment where you’re like, ‘OK, here’s my choice: Am I going to lie, or am I just going to be an open book?’ And it’s so much healthier to be an open book,” she said.
It’s that same honest spirit that she also embraced while playing a parenting edition of Never Have I Ever with Romper. With each of her candid answers, like that she uses her kids as an excuse to cancel plans (“that’s your right as a parent!” she admits) or that she puts on gym clothes just to sit and eat snacks (“Once I even went to Taco Bell instead of the gym”), all we can say is: Same, Hilary. Just, same.