'I Don't Want To Have Sex Again But I Want A Second Baby'
In the latest Confessions roundup, 15 parents vent about pinkeye, parenting with the flu, and “vacations” with kids.

We all know little kids can get sick a lot — but for many of us, it’s a little bit of a shock to realize that this means parents tend to get sick more, too. And parenting while sick, well... let’s just say it’s not much fun. Pinkeye? In both eyes? No thank you. And as one reader puts it, “Parenting when you have the flu should be illegal.” There’s plenty of other stuff going on in the Scary Mommy Confessional, too. Read on for what people have to say about sex, pregnancy, summer “vacation,” and general end-of-school-year stress.
Scary Mommy Confessions are a tried-and-true part of what makes our site so fun. If you want to anonymously confess, look for our weekly callouts on Instagram. And to browse past Confessions, head here.
My husband is antisocial and we don’t have a lot of money: I always have to tell people no.
Confessional #66172991
Slept with my toxic ex was f*cking amazing still feel like sh*t about it
Confessional #61728819
I’m annoyed at my dad for prioritizing his GF’s family over mine...again & again
Confessional #61782991
We don’t want more kids right now, but I was disappointed to not be pregnant this month
Confessional #61729010
I don’t want to be room mom and the stress of getting teacher gifts
Confessional #61892090
When do kids stop bringing home germs?? I have pink eye in both eyes thanks to my 12 year old!! Gah
Confessional #61790198
Hubs is going to Vegas. First time alone with my 5mo and 3yo. I’m terrified.
Confessional #61782819
I don’t love summer break - my ADHD kids thrive with routine + my in-laws pressure more time together
Confessional #61729381
I desperately wish we had family to help with kids. Haven’t been on a date since January.
Confessional #61527819
I’m pregnant w/ twins, with a 4 year old & 1.5 year old and I am TERRIFIED. How do we do this?!
Confessional #61728819
Are vacations with kids really worth it?
Confessional #65527381
Parenting when you have the flu should be illegal
Confessional #61526471
My in-laws do nothing for my son, why should I share my son with my in-laws?
Confessional #61552738
I’m sick of parenting my middle kid right now.
Confessional #61662738
I don’t want to have sex again but I want a second baby
Confessional #61728911