'I Really Want My Husband To Get A Viagra Script'
In the latest Confessions roundup, 17 parents discuss stubborn toddlers, narcissistic husbands, expat mom life, and more.

People tell the Scary Mommy Confessional things they might not tell their friends, relatives, or even partners... After all, that’s kind of the whole point. So this week, you’ll find complaints about narcissistic husbands, ungrateful friends, spouses who don’t pull their weight, and more. Plus, of course, some lighter fare—like a confession about just how fun it is to re-watch a show you loved before you had kids. Read on for the full roundup.
Scary Mommy Confessions are a tried-and-true part of what makes our site so fun. If you want to anonymously confess, look for our weekly callouts on Instagram. And to browse past Confessions, head here.
I’m angry with the friends that I was always there for, once they didn’t need help anymore they left me.
Confessional #61758192
Looking forward to HSgrad so I don’t have to be friends with these moms anymore
Confessional #61729101
My husband is narcissistic and I hate it. He puts himself before our kids, and me. It’s pathetic!
Confessional #61820419
I wish I could live in my own space so things stay clean for longer than 5 min
Confessional #61528120
I want to normalize being a good enough mom. Aren’t we all doing our best ?
Confessional #61729191
1st time mom and HOLY HELL, are all toddlers this stubborn?! 👹🫠🤬
Confessional #61783912
I’m tired and I want to retire NOW
Confessional #61920391
Expat mom life is pretty lonely. I don’t feel like I have a home anymore.
Confessional #61781293
Raising your kids when both your parents have passed is HARD
Confessional #61758172
I feel guilty when I’m not being “productive” while sick + pregnant. I know I need rest tho
Confessional #61427423
I think I’m addicted to being pregnant but being a mom is hard. Contemplating #4
Confessional #61301928
I’m annoyed that other moms treat my house like a daycare because our kids are friends
Confessional #61849191
I cannot stand my husband’s psychotic money issues.
Confessional #61941291
My husband acts like a child who has never heard the word responsibility. Kind of hate him.
Confessional #61734812
I don’t know that I will ever forgive my husband for getting a vasectomy when I want more
Confessional #61910291
Reunited with a TV show that makes me feel giddy because I watched it pre-children as an adult.
I really want my husband to get a Viagra script. I want better sex. 14 yr together, it’s always been meh.
Confessional #61748911