80+ Jewish Last Names That'll Have You Toasting "L'Chaim"
These names have roots all over the globe.

Just like the families they belong to, Jewish last names have roots all across the globe. And while Hebrew and Biblical names are mostly limited to a region, the same is not true of Jewish last names. In many cultures, it’s common for last names to come from the paternal side, but many surnames come from the mother’s as well. In fact, many Jewish people who lived in the Russian Empire during the 19th had last names that derived from women’s first names. In Jewish culture, last names also originate from places, like the town or region the family lived. For example, Asch is an acronym for the Aisenshtadt, Altshul, or Amsterdam and Bergman is also a common last name that means “from a hilly place.”
Judaism’s extensive history is obviously not limited to the Middle East, but it’s useful to have a little more context as to why some Jewish surnames sound so different from others. Many common Jewish last names overlap with Slavic or German languages, while others sound straight-up Biblical. But why?
It’s all down to early migration, which brought about two groups of Jews separate from those who lived in the Middle East and North Africa since biblical times (known as Mizrahi Jews, from the Hebrew for ‘Sons of the East’). These Jews lived (and their descendants now live) in parts of Turkey, Syria, Morocco, Egypt, Libya, Yemen, Iraq, Iran, Jordan, Lebanon, Algeria, Tunisia, Afghanistan, Armenia, and Israel. ‘Ashkenazi‘ (from the Hebrew word for Germany) refers to the Jews who settled in Germany and Eastern Europe between the 13th and 17th centuries, while ‘Sephardi‘ (from the Hebrew word for Spain) refers to Jews who lived in Spain and Italy from the end of the Roman Empire until the 15th century.
The persecution of both groups led to further migration. Descendants of Sephardi Jews now live in parts of Northern Africa, Spain, France, England, Italy, and Holland, while Ashkenazi Jews are still largely based in Germany, Poland, Russia, and other areas of Eastern Europe. Modern Israel is also home to a roughly even number of both, and the Middle East is still home to many Mizrahi Jews.
Ashkenazi Jewish last names, therefore, refer to names bore by Jewish families that are spelled in either German, a Slavic language, or Yiddish (a Hebrew-Germanic language used solely by Ashkenazi Jews). Sephardi Jewish surnames can be a little harder to recognize because of their mostly Italian and Spanish spellings. And since 80 percent of the world’s Jews are Ashkenazi, there are considerably fewer Sephardi Jewish names. Mizrahi Jewish surnames can have Hebrew, Arabic, or Aramaic roots.
All that said, Hebrew names are still common within all groups, and even non-Jewish families today bear last names with biblical, Hebrew origins. Oh, and you’re not the only one searching for them and their meaning, either. According to the latest search data available, Jewish last names are searched for nearly 15,000 times per month. Now you know the rich history behind them, read our list of popular Jewish last names and their meanings!
If you’re interested in the last names and meanings of other countries, check out our package on last names from around the world. See how many you recognize: Irish, Russian, Spanish, Mexican, Brazilian, Portuguese, Italian, Hawaiian, British, French, African, Japanese, and Korean last names, among others.
Popular Jewish Last Names
1. Hoffman
Origin: Ashkenazi
Meaning: Steward or farm laborer.
2. Pereira
Origin: Sephardi
Meaning: Pear tree.
3. Abrams
Origin: Hebrew
Meaning: High father or reference to the prophet Abraham.
4. Haddad
Origin: Mizrahi
Meaning: Blacksmith.
5. Goldmann
Origin: Ashkenazi
Meaning: Gold.
6. Levi/Levy
Origin: Hebrew
Meaning: Descendant of Levi, the third son of Jacob and Leah.
7. Blau
Origin: Ashkenazi/German
Meaning: Blue.
8. Friedman/Fridman/Friedmann
Origin: Ashkenazi
Meaning: Follower or servant of peace.
9. Horowitz
Origin: Ashkenazi
Meaning: A person from Horovice in Bohemia, which is now known as the Czech Republic.
10. Abulafia
Origin: Sephardi
Meaning: Father of wellbeing.
11. Blum
Origin: Yiddish
Meaning: Flower.
12. Kantor/Cantor
Origin: Ashkenazi
Meaning: A synagogue singer.
13. Fingerhut/Vingerhuot
Origin: Ashkenazi/Yiddish
Meaning: Thimble or an occupational name for a tailor.
14. Leib/Leiberman/Leibermann
Origin: Yiddish
Meaning: Dear or beloved.
15. Cardoso
Origin: Sephardi
Meaning: From a place with an abundance of cardoon plants.
16. Bensaïd
Origin: Mizrahi
Meaning: Son or descendant of Said.
17. Cohen
Origin: Hebrew
Meaning: Priest.
Bravo/T. Kyle
18. Efron
Origin: Hebrew
Meaning: Singing bird.
19. Abutbul
Origin: Mizrahi
Meaning: Father of tambourines.
20. Schechter
Origin: Yiddish
Meaning: Ritual slaughterer or butcher.
21. Abecassis
Origin: Sephardi
Meaning: Father of Cassis or those who occupied the Cassis valley in the Bible.
22. Bernstein
Origin: Ashkenazi
Meaning: Amber.
23. Geller
Origin: Yiddish
Meaning: Yellow, or reference to people with lighter hair.
24. Nazarian
Origin: Mizrahi
Meaning: Son of Nazar.
25. Bensoussan
Origin: Sephardi
Meaning: Lily flower.
26. Melamed
Origin: Hebrew
Meaning: Teacher.
27. Weinberg
Origin: Ashkenazi/German
Meaning: Vineyard.
28. Stern
Origin: Yiddish
Meaning: Star.
29. Benveniste
Origin: Sephardi
Meaning: Welcome.
30. Obadia
Origin: Mizrahi
Meaning: Servant of God.
31. Becker
Origin: Ashkenazi
Meaning: Baker of bread or tiles.
32. Chason/Chazen
Origin: Hebrew
Meaning: Cantor.
33. Ackerman
Origin: Ashkenazi
Meaning: Ploughman.
34. Rubin
Origin: Ashkenazi
Meaning: Behold a son.
35. Altman
Origin: Ashkenazi
Meaning: Old man.
36. Pasternak
Origin: Polish/Romanian/Russian/Ukrainian/Yiddish
Meaning: Parsnip.
37. Nahum
Origin: Hebrew
Meaning: Comforter or consoler.
38. Navarro
Origin: Sephardi
Meaning: Someone from the Navarro region in Spain.
39. Naftali
Origin: Hebrew
Meaning: Wrestling, struggle, or strife.
40. Nisim
Origin: Hebrew
Meaning: Miracles.
41. Åarons
Origin: Hebrew
Meaning: Shining light.
42. Abate
Origin: Hebrew
Meaning: High priest.
43. Babel
Origin: Polish
Meaning: Babylon.
44. Bach
Origin: Ashkenazi
Meaning: Stream or creek.
45. Camhi
Origin: Sephardi
Meaning: Wheat.
46. Ancel
Origin: Ashkenazi/French
Meaning: Servant or serving maid.
47. Arenberg
Origin: Ashkenazi/German
Meaning: Mountain.
48. Alterman
Origin: Ashkenazi
Meaning: Alter, Alt, or head of a craft building.
49. Abadi
Origin: Arabic/Sephardi
Meaning: Immortal, undying, or eternal.
50. Abeles
Origin: Ashkenazi/Dutch
Meaning: The white popular.
51. Benowitz
Origin: Eastern Ashkenazi/Hebrew
Meaning: Binyamin or son of the south or son of the right hand.
52. Berenson
Origin: Yiddish/German/Ashkenazi
Meaning: Bear or son.
53. Bing
Origin: Old English/German
Meaning: A dweller of the hollow.
54. Broder
Origin: Yiddish
Meaning: Brodsky or a common family name for people from Brody, an area in Ukraine.
55. Cooperman
Origin: Yiddish
Meaning: Copper or an occupational name for coppersmiths.
56. Diamond
Origin: Yiddish/Latin
Meaning: Diamond or invincible.
57. Barak
Origin: Ashkenazi/Turkish/Croatian
Meaning: Cottage, shanty, or cabin.
58. Baran
Origin: Russian/Slovak/Ashkenazi
Meaning: Ram or forceful.
59. Barber
Origin: Ashkenazi
Meaning: Blessed.
60. Bard
Origin: Ashkenazi/Yiddish
Meaning: Beard.
61. Bark
Origin: Ashkenazi
Meaning: Birch or a name for someone who lives near a birch tree.
62. Belman
Origin: Ashkenazi/French/Yiddish
Meaning: Beautiful.
63. Beloff
Origin: Belarus/Ukraine
Meaning: White or pale.
64. Bichler
Origin: Ashkenazi
Meaning: A seller of books.
65. Kleid
Origin: German
Meaning: Clothing or garment.
66. Klein
Origin: German/Dutch
Meaning: Small or little.
67. Bieler
Origin: German
Meaning: An occupational name for someone who uses or makes hatchets.
68. Landau
Origin: German
Meaning: Land or valley.
69. Lichtenberg
Origin: German
Meaning: Lighthill.
70. Ehrlich
Origin: Austro-Hungarian
Meaning: Honest.
71. Eisen
Origin: Austrian
Meaning: Iron.
72. Gelb
Origin: Yiddish
Meaning: Yellow.
73. Goldberg
Origin: German
Meaning: Golden town.
74. Hakimi
Origin: Arabic
Meaning: Wise.
75. Leiberman
Origin: Jewish
Meaning: Dear man.
76. Katz
Origin: Jewish
Meaning: Righteous Cohen.
77. Koppelman
Origin: Yiddish
Meaning: Jacob.
78. Margolis
Origin: Hebrew
Meaning: Pearl.
79. Mizrahi
Origin: Hebrew
Meaning: Easterner.
80. Nudel
Origin: Jewish
Meaning: Needle.
81. Efrat
Origin: Hebrew
Meaning: Fruitful
82. Margalit
Origin: Hebrew
Meaning: Pearl.
83. Abelman
Origin: German
Meaning: Noble one.
84. Acker
Origin: Dutch and German
Meaning: Plowed field or acre.
Common Hebrew Phrases
No matter where you are in the world, certain phrases have a way of making you feel you’re right at home with the fam. So, if you’re looking to expand your knowledge of Hebrew sayings, see below:
- Shalom — Hello, goodbye, or peace
- Slicha — Sorry or excuse me
- Ma nishma? — How are you doing or what’s up?
- Ma-yim — Water
- Ayfo ha shirootim? — Where is the bathroom?
- Lo tov — Not good
- Metzuyan — Excellent
- Tsohora-eem tovim — Good afternoon
- Ma shimkha? — What’s your name?
- Mamash — Absolutely
- Ma taim can baezor? — What’s good to eat here in the area?
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