Blech! Metallic Taste In Pregnancy Is Real, Here's How To Get Rid Of It

You’ll learn many, many (many, many, many) things during pregnancy. But one of the first concepts you’ll come to grasp is that pregnancy seems to have some sort of effect on everything — from your face right down to your potentially widening feet. So, it may not surprise you to learn that the metallic taste in your mouth could very well be a pregnancy symptom. Thanks, hormones!
You’ve probably heard much more about early pregnancy symptoms like morning sickness. But every woman is different, and their symptoms will vary. Your symptoms may even vary from one pregnancy to the next. Even if you don’t seem to be suffering from a “tin” or “metallic” taste in your mouth in this pregnancy, you could with a later pregnancy.
So, let’s explore what it means when it tastes like you’re sucking on old pennies.
Is metallic taste in the mouth a sign of early pregnancy?
Not necessarily. According to the Cleveland Clinic, there are actually numerous reasons a person might experience a metallic taste in their mouth. These range from oral hygiene issues to taking a multivitamin and, yes, pregnancy. If you’re generally healthy, it’s probably nothing to worry about. Still, you should always talk to your doctor if you notice anything out of the ordinary — and, you know, since it might truly be a symptom of pregnancy for you.
How early do you get a metallic taste in pregnancy?
A metallic taste in your mouth often occurs during the first trimester, or first 12 weeks, of pregnancy. The medical term for it is dysgeusia, which refers to a distortion of taste.
What causes a metallic taste in the mouth?
You can thank (or blame, depending on how you’re feeling at the moment) hormones for that delightful tin taste in your mouth. Changes in hormone levels can lead to all sorts of sensory disturbances during pregnancy. It’s thought that estrogen may play a large part, considering it contributes to controlling and moderating the sense of taste. Dysgeusia in pregnancy could also have to do with women’s heightened sense of smell during this time. Smell and taste are closely interlinked, right? It makes sense, then, that smelling something strong or off in pregnancy could affect a woman’s sense of taste.
So, long story short, that metallic taste could just be your ol’ pregnancy hormones kicking in.
When does the bad taste go away in pregnancy?
Here’s the good news: That metallic taste in your mouth likely won’t hang around long. True, it’s unfortunate that it often coincides with first-trimester nausea. However, dysgeusia usually lessens or dissipates altogether as your pregnancy progresses. Your hormones start to settle down some in the second trimester, meaning you could see some relief from the metal mouth at that point.
What can I do about the metallic taste in my mouth?
Another bit of good news? There are things you can do that may make the metallic taste in your mouth less severe or bothersome. Many women report the following have helped:
- Sugar-free mints or sugarless gum
- Colder items, like ice pops
- Saltine crackers
- Spicy foods
- Acidic or sour foods and drinks, like lemonade or pickles
You might also ask your health care provider about switching prenatal vitamins. Brushing your tongue, using mouthwash, and flossing regularly might make banishing bad tastes easier. And, just for good measure, avoid using metal cutlery or drink receptacles during meals. Hey, anything to help, right?
How to deal with pregnancy bad breath?
If you’re experiencing a metallic taste in your mouth, you may also experience bad breath. Your hormones are changing, and frankly, they’re all over the place. This can cause your breath to smell unpleasant during the first few weeks of your pregnancy. The progesterone and estrogen in your body can lead to plaque, which can also cause bad breath. As you may have guessed, morning sickness and vomiting can amplify the problem (#blech). So, to help manage the smell, visit your dentist for regular cleanings. You should also minimize food filled with garlic or onions, as well as sugary drinks and coffee, in your diet.
You could be dealing with dry mouth too, which is a breeding ground for bad-breath bacteria. Incorporate a mild mouth wash into your oral routine to combat this.
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What are other abnormal symptoms of pregnancy?
Although tasting nickels in your mouth isn’t a direct sign of pregnancy, it could be. And it’s not the only weird symptom pregnant women encounter. There are other telltale signs you’ve got a bun in the oven like:
You’re hot all the time.
After your ovulation period, your body temperature increases slightly, and it usually remains at that level until you get your period. However, if you feel this warm for more than two weeks, you might be preggo.
You’re dizzy and lightheaded.
Your period or even a bad breakfast wrap can cause dizziness, but it can also be a sign you’re entering your first trimester. This happens because your blood pressure drops and blood vessels dilate when you’re pregnant.
You’re constipated.
Weird, right? But when you’re pregnant, your hormones are going crazy, which can cause pregnancy constipation. It’s common to feel bloated or like you have to fart, even though there’s no bowel movement.
You have heartburn from hell.
Hormones do a number on you when you’re pregnant, which includes heartburn. The valve that connects your stomach to your esophagus relaxes, which can cause stomach acid to drip into your throat.
You need to pee all the time.
You may not go number two as often, but going number one won’t be a problem. Having the urge to go every hour is annoying, but it happens because your uterus is expanding. This puts pressure on the bladder, which makes you want to go all the time.
Your mood swings are fierce.
First you’re up, then you’re down, but it’s not your fault. When you’re pregnant, your hormones go berserk, and your estrogen and progesterone levels are super high. These changes can make you more emotional than usual and cause feelings like irritability, anxiety, depression, or happiness. It can even affect your libido.
Your dreams are more vivid than ever.
Again, you can blame your hormones for this one. When you’re pregnant, your dreams may become more intense or dramatic. Some mamas reported that their dreams felt more realistic and that they had better dream recall than before they were pregnant.
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