155+ Boys Middle Names That Hit The Sweet Spot Of Unique And Traditional

If you’ve always known you were destined to be a parent, you’ve probably always thought about what you would name your baby. But there’s a good chance your list of names has changed just like you. Now it’s time to finally decide. Your very own tiny human is on his way. Or maybe he’s already here. Are you stuck? Overwhelmed? Have you thought about what his last name is going to be? We know you’ve been thinking about your little boy’s first name for months (or years) and the last name is usually a no-brainer. However, middle names tend to be a bit of an afterthought. But that’s OK, because there are a million options you can choose from. And sure, you could name your son after his grandparents, which is always a solid choice, but if you’re looking for something unique and that fits perfectly between the names you’ve chosen, we’ve gathered the master list of ideal options.
Maybe that list you’ve had for a million years is suddenly creating all kinds of controversy. You liked the name “Stetson” because it reminded you of your grandpa, but it reminds your partner of cheap cologne. “Scott” is a family name on their side, but what last name goes with a name like “Scott”?(Actually, pretty much anything with more than one syllable.) Perhaps you two have settled on a first name but just can’t wrap your head about a solid middle name. You’re not alone on that one. According to the latest search data available to us, “middle names for boys” is searched for nearly 60,500 times per month. And the last thing you want is to pay hundreds of dollars to change all that paperwork when you reconsider things a week or two later, right?
Luckily for you, we’ve done all the work of researching so you don’t have to. You’ve got your first name. Try each of these names perfectly sized to fit right in the middle.
One bonus to finding a fantastic middle name for your little one? They can always choose to go by their middle name later in life if they prefer. You might be surprised to learn just how many celebrities go by their middle names as opposed to their given first names and what that middle initial in their name is actually for. A few examples:
Walter Bruce Willis
Tommy Lee Jones Jackson Rod Stewart Philip Seymour Hoffman Chad Michael Murray Daniel Dae Kim John Quincy Adams Billy Ray Cyrus Henry David Thoreau James Earl Jones Jon Bon Jovi Dick Van Dyke David Jude Law William Bradley Pitt Jared Drake Bell Christopher Ashton Kutcher John William Ferrell James Lance Bass Daniel Jason Sudeikis Samuel Timothy McGraw Troyal Garth Brooks Paul Kevin Jonas II Marvin Neil Simon Henry Warren Beatty James Paul McCartney Thomas Sean Connery John Calvin Coolidge Joseph Rudyard Kipling Keith Rupert Murdoch George Orson Welles Sam Brody Jenner Joseph Jason Namakaeha Momoa Caleb Casey McGuire Affleck Matthew Ryan Phillippe Henry Ross Perot Thomas Mark Harmon John Fitzgerald Kennedy Samuel Leroy Jackson Joanne Kathleen Rowling Michael Andrew Fox Harry James Potter Ronald Bilius Weasley Michael Bakari Jordan
Having a middle name has its perks. For example, if you and your partner can’t agree on a first name, you can use your second choice as your child’s middle name. And like many of the celebrities listed above, if your kid ever wants to go by a different name, they won’t have to look beyond their birth certificate.
Need more baby name ideas for your little tot? We’ve got comprehensive lists for unique names for girls, last names for baby boys, nicknames as first names for your little Ace, and so much more!
Curious to know more about your family name and the last names and meanings of other countries, check out our package on last names from around the world. See how many you recognize: Irish, French, Russian, Spanish, Mexican, Brazilian, Portuguese, and African last names, among others.
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