A Fed Up Mom Took Over A Fox News Broadcast & Made A Plea For Gun Control
“I guess an angry mom has to get up and has to say it,” she said.

A mom visiting her sister-in-law in Nashville took over the Fox News airwaves during a live broadcast to air her rightful exasperation when it comes to the lack of gun control in America after another mass shooting occurred this week.
While TV reporters and news stations began to set up for an anticipated police press conference, the mom — identified by CNN as Ashbey Beasley — unabashedly walked up to the microphone stand and began a speech that is now going viral on social media.
“Aren’t you guys tired of covering this? Aren’t you guys tired of being here and having to cover all these mass shootings?” Beaseley said, addressing all of the news outlets there to report on the shooting, which resulted the tragedic murders of three children and three adults at a private Christian school.
She went on to explain that she’s been in Washington, D.C., lobbying for stricter gun laws, after she was present during the Highland Park, Illinois, shooting last summer where a man opened fire from a rooftop at a Fourth of July, killing seven people and injuring several more.
She just so happened to be in Nashville visiting family on the same day as America’s most recent shooting. She was a block away from Covenant School when she heard shots ring out, she said.
“How is this still happening?” she asked. “How are our children still dying, and why are we failing them? Gun violence is the number one killer of children and teens... These mass shootings will continue to happen until our lawmakers step up and pass gun safety legislation.”
Firearms recently became the number one cause of death for children in the United States, surpassing motor vehicle deaths and those caused by other injuries. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently released updated official mortality data that showed 45,222 firearm-related deaths in the United States in 2020 — a new peak.
Beasley noted “how preventable these incidences are,” calling out politicians who refuse to pass gun control legislation.
When the right-wing network cut away from Beasley, even the Fox News reporter agreed with her passionate pleas.
“The woman said it quite succinctly,” he said. “Aren’t you tired of this? Yes we are tired of this.”
Beasley told CNN that she had come to Nashville with her son to visit friends and family, only to find themselves right next to a second mass shooting.
“It’s only in America can somebody survive a mass shooting and then go on vacation…and find themselves near another mass shooting,” Beasley said.
Beasley told USA Today last year that she turned to lobbying lawmakers as a form of “therapy” after she and her son were present during the Highland Park massacre.
She said her son was struggling to cope with the trauma of the shooting, and began to show up at lawmakers' Capitol Hill offices to tell her story.
“The activism has sort of become my therapy,” Beasley said. “There's no absolute answer that's going to prevent every single gun death. But we have to do everything in our power to do the things that we know will work.”
After meeting with several legislators in recent months about the never-ending rise of gun violence in America, Beasley said she spoke up at the news conference because “enough is enough.”
“I'm going to make sure we're talking about these things,” she said. “These aren't sticking, and I guess an angry mom has to get up and has to say it.”
“I just felt like I had to say something.”
The attack at the Covenant School was the 129th mass shooting of the year, according to the Gun Violence Archive. There have been 89 days in 2023 so far.
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