130+ Palindrome Names That You'll Love Forward And Backward

When choosing a name for their baby, some parents base their decisions on meanings, particular ethnic origins, or people they admire (both in and out of their own families). For others, it’s more about a certain quality they would like their child to possess, like elegance, a fiery personality, or strength and power — think names that mean fire and warrior names. In contrast, some aren’t necessarily that concerned about the meaning but are looking for a name that’s clever and nuanced — almost like its own little riddle. Admittedly, that’s a pretty specific name search, but as always, we’ve got you covered, this time, with palindrome names.
In case it’s been a while since you learned about palindromes in elementary school, they are words, phrases, and even entire sentences that are spelled the same forward and backward. One of the most famous examples of a palindrome is “Able was I ere I saw Elba,” and is attributed to Napoleon Bonaparte. Still, many scholars believe it appeared years after his death. But for our purposes, it doesn’t matter who said it first — it’s still an example of a palindrome.
One reason the faux Napoleon quote probably started popping up in the mid-19th century is that wordplay like palindromes and anagrams (words or phrases formed by rearranging the letters of another word or phrase) were particularly popular during that period. (Victorians and Georgians knew how to party!)
But palindromes go back much further than that: to approximately 70 B.C.E. to be (semi) exact. They were written in Latin and found in graffiti in the ancient city of Herculaneum, which is now part of modern-day Italy. There is also evidence of palindromes used in ancient Sanskrit and ancient Greek. The word “palindrome” dates back to 1638 and has its roots in ancient Greek. And whether it was ancient times, the Victorian era, or today, there’s a reason people like palindromes: they’re fun and make you think. (OK, technically, that’s two reasons, but you get the picture.)
And to help complete the picture, here are some examples of words, phrases, and entire sentences that are palindromes:
- Taco cat
- Borrow or rob?
- No, Mel Gibson is a casino’s big lemon.
- King, are you glad you are king?
- A nut for a jar of tuna.
- Was it a car or a cat I saw?
- Madam, in Eden, I’m Adam.
- Oozy rat in a sanitary zoo.
- Yo, banana boy!
- UFO tofu
- Too bad I hid a boot.
- Mr. Owl ate my metal worm.
- Civic
- Level
- Radar
- Aibohphobia (the unofficial name of fear of palindromes)
- Noon
Love the idea of giving your child a unique name? Here’s a mega-list of palindrome names: some for girls, others for boys, and some that are gender-neutral.
Palindrome Names for Girls
Forward or backward, these palindrome names for girls are pretty stinkin’ cute:
- Abeba
- Ada
- Adharahda
- Aeaea
- Ahsha
- Aidia
- Ailia
- Ala
- Aleela
- Alula
- Alyla
- Ama
- Ana/Anna
- Anana
- Anina
- Anona
- Arara
- Ardra
- Arora
- Artisitra
- Aurorua
- Ava
- Aviva
- Aya
- Aziza
- Azza
- Cec
- Eevee
- Ege
- Elle
- Habibah
- Halah
- Hannah
- Havah
- Hayah
- Ireri
- Itati
- Ivi
- Izzi
- Kaylyak
- Layal
- Lil
- Liril
- Lyryl
- Maham
- Mem
- Nan
- Nin
- Non
- Rosor
- Syny
- Viv
- Ziliz
Palindrome Names for Boys
These palindrome names for boys are fun and clever, no matter how you read them!
- Aoloa: This Hawaiian name means “long cloud,” “distinguished,” or “costume”
- Ata: This name has Persian and Turkish origin and means gift or forefather
- Ara: “Brings rain”
- Bob: Fames bright or shining
- Callac
- Davad: Beloved or uncle
- Ebbe: Brave or strong board
- Ede: Wealthy
- Ede
- Exe
- Idappadi
- Iggi
- Jaj
- Jalaj
- JJ
- Kanak
- Kerek
- Kilik
- Kook
- Kuruk
- Lal
- Lemel
- Luul
- Mallam
- Mujum
- Natan
- Neuquén
- Nolon
- Nosson
- Noxon
- Odo
- Okonoko
- Oruro
- Otto
- Ovidivo
- Oyo
- Pylyp
- Ramar
- Rayar
- Reinier
- Rekker
- Renner
- Rigir
- Rykyr
- Rydyr
- Sabas
- Sagas
- Shahs
- Silis
- Tenet
- Tommot
- Utu
- Vokov
- Zoz
Gender-Neutral Palindrome Names
These gender-neutral palindrome names are not only unique — they’ll also grow with your child, regardless of how they identify.
- Asa: Healer or doctor
- Efe: Older brother or “wealth has been achieved”
- Ese: God’s gift or gift of god
- Immi: Universal or virgin
- Isi: Consecrated to god
- Kanak: Gold, sandalwood, or the golden one
- Laval: “Of the valley”
- Maram: Wish or desire
- Minim: Least or smallest
- Neven: Saintly
- Noon: “The time of the brightest sunshine”
- Pip: Lover of horses
- Redder: A wheelmaker or wheelwright
- Williw: This name sounds a lot like willow, which means freedom
- Yanay: My beloved
- Siris: Beautiful victory
Italian Palindrome Names
Palindrome names are already filled with unique monikers, but if you’re looking for ones with Italian flare, we found several. If you’re looking for more Italian names, we have Italian surnames and Italian girl names too!
- Aerea: Thanks
- Afa: Derives from Polynesian origins and means hurricane
- Alla: Russian name that means other
- Ara: This Arabic name means worshipping, “brings rain,” or beautiful
- Atta: This name has Arabic and Turkish roots and means father, twin, ancestor, forerunner, or forefather
- Avallava
- Aveva: A Hebrew name that means springlike, dewy, or fresh
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