Pink Is All Of Us Attempting To Bake Bread During Quarantine

Pink, like the rest of the country, has been baking up a storm during quarantine
If somebody took a survey about the most popular activities during the COVID-19 pandemic, there are a few no-brainers that would make the list — organizing, small DIY home projects, binge-watching Tiger King, doing puzzles, and gardening included. Since most restaurants are closed and everyone is at home, cooking — and notably baking — has become an increasingly popular hobby. If you are in denial, there is an actual yeast shortage to prove it. Even people who have never baked a loaf of bread are whipping up sourdough from scratch… or at least attempting to. Pink, our celeb mom BFF, is one of the many people in the world who have become avid bakers during the pandemic. In fact, the Grammy award winning singer has almost transformed into a baking influencer before our very eyes.
A few weeks ago, Pink revealed to fans that she had recently made a sourdough starter and used it to make “fried bread” — only it didn’t turn out how she expected.
A few days later, she made cheesecake, wondering why it was “exploding.”
Her banana bread a few days after that was totally on point.
But back to the sourdough bread. Last week she finally finally figured out what to do with her sourdough starter discard, whipping up some biscuits.”Dayummmm these are good,” she captioned her Instagram image of the delicious looking rolls. “I’m gonna look like a biscuit soon. I’m like the fluffy G.I.Jane.”
This weekend marked her “first bake” of sourdough, and she posted a video revealing “how nervous” she was, revealing she was having “first loaf jitters.”
“I have been feeding this sucker for almost three weeks,” she revealed in the vid. “Her name is Quarantina.” Yep, she even named her starter. We are dying.
She then proceeded to post a few photos of the finished product. Her loaf seriously looked perfect.
In the final photo, she asked her followers for their input. “What do we think, bakers?” she captioned an image of her bread slice. We think if you ever want to give up your career in the music industry, you should open up a bakery.
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