75+ Romanian Last Names & Their Historic Origins
An ode to Romania’s rich ancestral lineage.

First names may get all of the attention and glory when it comes to baby names, but it’s a surname that can tell a story about a person’s history when it comes right down to it. It’s a significant indicator of a person’s origin and is an essential part of their identity — which is understandably why some women choose not to change their name after marriage. If you’ve ever done a deep dive into your last name and discovered some interesting facts along the way, you may be hungry for more details. Each culture comes with its rich history and naming traditions and may leave you asking some questions. Like, why do Russian last names follow a patronymic convention, how many different peoples do Mexican last names represent, and what are the deeper meanings of the most popular Korean surnames?
Take Romanian last names, for example. They have a fascinating history and contain many surnames with Slavic origins — names you may have heard before. Did you know many notable American writers, scientists, and even celebrities have Romanian roots? Hollywood greats like Winona Ryder, Natalie Portman, and Lauren Bacall also have Romanian roots. Marvel fans may be surprised to learn that a certain bad boy turned superhero falls into that category. Sebastian Stan, who is best known for playing Bucky Barnes, aka the one and only Winter Soldier, was born in Constanta, located in Romania’s southeastern part.
But those are just a few examples of Romania’s rich ancestral lineage. There are a lot of popular Romanian surnames that you may recognize — and even if you don’t, well, it’s still fun to learn about nonetheless, right?
We rounded up the most common Romanian last names and their meanings, but, as you can imagine, the list of names could go on and on. Some are more common than others, but they all have a story to tell and may very well help you to better appreciate your last name, along with its unique and special origins. It’s a big part of what makes you, you. And that is something worth appreciating.
Common Romanian Last Names
1. Albescu
Meaning: White.
2. Albu
Meaning: White (derived from the word “alb”).
3. Aldea
Meaning: Village.
4. Andrei
Meaning: Romanian iteration of the name Andrew.
5. Ardelean
Meaning: The Romanian term for the region of Transylvania.
6. Baciu
Meaning: Shepard.
7. Balan
Meaning: Blonde; a town in Romania.
8. Barbaneagra
Meaning: Black beard.
9. Barbu
Meaning: Bushy beard.
10. Bogdan
Meaning: God-given, or gift of God.
11. Botezatu
Meaning: Baptized.
12. Bucur
Meaning: Happiness, delight, or joy.
13. Camelia
Meaning: A type of flower.
14. Cazacu
Meaning: Someone who lives along the river Cazacu.
15. Cel Tradat
Meaning: The betrayed one.
16. Ciobanu
Meaning: Occupational name for a shepherd.
17. Codrin
Meaning: The woods.
18. Cojocaru
Meaning: Sheepskin.
19. Craioveanue
Meaning: Someone from the Romanian city Craiova.
20. Creţu
Meaning: Curly.
21. Cristian
Meaning: This is the Romanian word for the name Christian, which means “a Christian.”
22. Dalca
Meaning: Lightning.
23. Darius
Meaning: Possessing goodness.
24. Dascălu
Meaning: Teacher, schoolmaster.
25. Erner
Meaning: Serbian.
26. Fieraru
Meaning: Smith, an occupational name for blacksmiths, goldsmiths, etc.
27. Fischer
Meaning: Fisherman (in German).
28. Floarea
Meaning: Flower.
29. Funar
Meaning: Ropemaker.
30. Grigorescu
Meaning: Son of Grigore.
31. Gheata
Meaning: Ice.
32. Grosu
Meaning: Thick, coarse, or bulky.
33. Hatmanu
Meaning: This is an occupational last name that means General.
34. Hofer
Meaning: Steward.
35. Iliescu
Meaning: Son of Ilie.
36. Ionescu
Meaning: Son of Ion.
37. Iordanescu
Meaning: “Jordan’s son.”
38. Ioveanu
Meaning: Son of Ivan.
39. Laurentiu
Meaning: From Laurentum
40. Lazarescu
Meaning: Son of Lazar.
41. Luca
Meaning: Luke.
42. Luminița
Meaning: Light or faint light.
43. Lupu
Meaning: Wolf.
44. Maier/Mayer
Meaning: Farmer.
45. Marcu
Meaning: Marcus.
46. Matei
Meaning: Matthew or a gift.
47. Mitrea
Meaning: Administrator.
48. Muller
Meaning: Miller.
49. Nectaria
Meaning: Nectar.
50. Net
Meaning: Superior.
51. Nicolae/Niculaie
Meaning: Nicholas or victory of the people.
52. Nicolescu
Meaning: Son of Nicolae.
53. Olarescu
Meaning: Son of Olaru.
54. Popa
Meaning: Priest or pastor.
55. Pichler
Meaning: People who live near a hill.
56. Radu
Meaning: Happy.
57. Roşu
Meaning: Red.
58. Sandu
Meaning: Defender of humanity.
59. Sebastian
Meaning: A common surname and also the last name of a famous saint. It means venerable.
60. Stefan
Meaning: Stephen.
61. Suta
Meaning: Left-handed.
62. Tarniceriu
Meaning: Saddler.
63. Ungureanu
Meaning: Hungarian.
64. Vaduva
Meaning: Widow.
65. Vulpe
Meaning: Fox.
66. Weber
Meaning: Weaver or stems from German origins.
67. Zamfir
Meaning: Sapphire, which is the name for a jeweler.
68. Zugravescu
Meaning: Portray or depict.
Romanian Vampire Last Names
Did you know Dracula is from Transylvania, which is in Romania? These surnames below could have very well been his last name! So, if you’re looking for a Romanian last name with a spooky and immortal ring to it, try these vampire-inspired surnames.
1. Acheron
Meaning: River of woe or sorrow.
2. Ambrosia
Meaning: Immortal.
3. Aldonold
Meaning: Friend.
4. Alnwick
Meaning: Dairy farm.
5. Arnold
Meaning: Eagle.
6. Athanasia
Meaning: Immortal.
7. Bancroft
Meaning: Dweller by the bean field.
8. Bathory
Meaning: “Son of.”
9. Celeste
Meaning: Heavenly.
10. Crimson
Meaning: Dark red color.
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