Simple One-Syllable Boy Names

Dominick! Jefferson! Forester! They’re all great boy names, but they’re long. And on this list, long just doesn’t cut it. Because this list is all about one syllable boy names: perfect for middle names, or when you just want to give your little guy a simple, streamlined moniker.
Maybe you have a long last name and need to balance things out. Maybe you need a short middle name to go with that lengthy first name you love. Or you want something to rhyme with your last name. Or maybe you just like to keep things as pared-down as possible. Whatever it is, you’re not alone in that search of yours. According to the most recent search data available, one-syllable boy names are searched for nearly 12,100 times per month. We’ve rounded up classic, cool, and even unique one-syllable names for your tot that will grow well from the playground to the boardroom. More importantly, it’s not a name you’ll tire of saying or even yelling across the room. “Knox, put that down! Kit, stop poking your sister! Ben, we don’t pee there!” all have such a good ring to them.
While the names share the one-syllable bit, their origins are as diverse as the United Nations. Greek, Hebrew, African, Chinese, Indian, and Irish just to name a few. Some are even dueling for the most popular boy names in preschools across the country. Whether you want to honor your family’s heritage or pick the coolest, in vogue name right now, Scary Mommy has you covered on the baby naming front. (And the baby gear, pregnancy, and parenting journey you’re about to embark on.)
Either way, these cute, uncomplicated one-syllable boy names have you covered. Whether it’s a classic like Ben, Abe, or Chang, or cooler names like Reign or Slade, this is the list to keep mulling over as you lock down your baby boy’s name.
Quotes to Consider
If you’re looking for even more inspiration to give your baby boy one of these monikers, check out wise words by a few famous figures with one-syllable names.
“Being brave isn’t the absence of fear. Being brave is having that fear but finding a way through it.” — Bear Grylls
“To speak and to speak well are two things. A fool may talk, but a wise man speaks.” — Ben Jonson
“For small creatures such as we, the vastness is bearable only through love.” — Carl Sagan
“I have a hard time with morals. All I know is what feels right, what’s more, important to me is being honest about who you are. Morals I get a little hung up on.” — Brad Pitt
“Write down five things you love to do. Next, write down five things that you’re really good at. Then just try to match them up! Revisit your list once a year to make sure you’re on the right track.” — Hugh Jackman
“You must never underestimate the power of the eyebrow.” — Jack Black “Never let success get to your head and never let failure get to your heart.” — Drake
Need more baby name ideas for your little tot? We’ve got comprehensive lists for middle names for girls, last names as first names, nicknames as first names for your little Ace, and so much more!
Curious to know more about your family name and the last names and meanings of other countries, check out our package on last names from around the world. See how many you recognize: Irish, French, Russian, Spanish, Mexican, Brazilian, Portuguese, Italian, and African last names, among others.
- Abe
- Ace
- Arch
- Art
- Ash
- Axe
- Banks
- Bay
- Bear
- Beau
- Beck
- Ben
- Blade
- Blaine
- Blair
- Blaise
- Blake
- Blake-unisex
- Blaze
- Blue
- Bo
- Bob
- Boone
- Bram
- Breeze
- Brent
- Brett
- Briggs
- Brock
- Bronx
- Brooks
- Bruce
- Bryce
- Bryn
- Buck
- Burke
- Burr
- Butch
- Cache
- Cade
- Cael
- Cain
- Carl
- Carr
- Case
- Cash
- Caz
- Chad
- Chance
- Chang
- Charles
- Chase
- Chet
- Chi
- Chip
- Chord
- Chris
- Chuck
- Clark
- Clay
- Cliff
- Clyde
- Cole
- Colt
- Cove
- Craig
- Cree
- Creed
- Crew
- Cruz
- Dale
- Dane
- Dash
- Dax
- Dean
- Dell
- Deuce
- Dom
- Dove
- Drake
- Drew
- Duke
- Earl
- Finn
- Fitch
- Fjord
- Flint
- Flynn
- Ford
- Fox
- Frank
- Fritz
- Frost
- Gage
- Gates
- Gene
- Glen
- Grant
- Gray
- Greer
- Grey
- Gus
- Hank
- Hans
- Hart
- Hawk
- Hayes
- Heath
- Herb
- Huck
- Hugh
- Jace
- Jack
- Jad
- Jake
- James
- Jase
- Jax
- Jay
- Jayce
- Jazz
- Jem
- Jens
- Jess
- Jett
- Joe
- Joel
- John
- Jon
- Joules
- Juan
- Jude
- Kace
- Kade
- Kai
- Kale
- Kamp
- Kane
- Karter
- Kase
- Kash
- Kaz
- Keats
- Keel
- Keith
- Kent
- King
- Kit
- Knox
- Kurt
- Kye
- Kyle
- Laith
- Lake
- Lance
- Lane
- Lark
- Leaf
- Lee
- Leif
- Lev
- Lex
- Li
- Lin
- Lind
- Link
- Lou
- Luke
- Lux
- Lynx
- Mac
- Mack
- Marc
- Mark
- Mars
- Marsh
- Max
- Mick
- Mike
- Miles
- Moss
- Nash
- Ned
- Neil
- Ngan
- Noel
- Noon
- Park
- Paul
- Penn
- Pierce
- Piers
- Pike
- Pip
- Poe
- Prince
- Psalm
- Puck
- Quill
- Quinn
- Rafe
- Ralph
- Ray
- Read
- Reece
- Reed
- Reef
- Reese-unisex
- Reeve
- Reid
- Reign
- Ren
- Rex
- Rey
- Rhett
- Rhodes
- Rhys
- Rick
- Ridge
- Riggs
- Rogue
- Rome
- Rowe
- Roy
- Royce
- Ryn
- Sage
- Saint
- Sam
- Saul
- Scott
- Scout
- Sean
- Seth
- Shane
- Shawn
- Shay
- Shea
- Shel
- Shell
- Shore
- Sky
- Slade
- Slate
- Sloan
- Smith
- Stark
- Steel
- Stone
- Tag
- Tai
- Taj
- Tal
- Tate
- Tau
- Teal
- Thane
- Thom
- Thor
- Trace
- Trent
- Trey
- Tripp
- Troy
- True
- Ty
- Van
- Vance
- Vin
- Vlad
- Von
- Voss
- Wade
- Wayne
- Wells
- Will
- Wolf
- Worth
- Wynn
- Yan
- Yu
- Zaid
- Zane
- Zayn
- Zeb
- Zeke
- Zeus
- Zev
- Zip
- Zvi
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