Did 'Vanderpump Rules' Just Set Up A Las Vegas-Based Spinoff?

Viewers were not only subjected to yet another wedding and BraGate, but they were also introduced to Scheana’s ‘clone’
This week, the Vander-crew travels to Las Vegas to not only celebrate the grand opening of Lisa Vanderpump’s absolutely stunning new restaurant, Vanderpump Cocktail Garden, tucked inside Caesars Palace, but also Tom Schwartz and Katie Maloney-Schwartz’s second wedding — sans Kristen Doute, of course.
“Tom and I’s wedding in the woods was honestly everything, but now we’re gonna have all of our friends for a big fun weekend. So, you know what, when life hands you lemons, you just get married in Vegas,” Katie says in a talking head.
Of course, it wouldn’t quite be a Katie and Tom event without an alleged cheating scandal. This time around, we unfortunately aren’t gifted any iconic, timeless one-liners, like Season 5’s “He’s a f***ing battered wife! Look at him!” a la Tom Sandoval in drag.
Instead, we get a totally contrived “mysterious black bra in Schwartz’s suitcase” segment.
“OK,” Schwartz says as he drops a black bra back into his suitcase. “I think that’s yours.”
“No…” Katie says with a confused-slashed-mildly-pissed look on her face. Schwartz continues to laugh it off, insisting the black bra is hers. “I’ve never seen that before in my life,” she says. “It’s not my bra!”
“I have no idea whatsoever how that bra got into my suitcase,” Schwartz says in a talking head, later telling Katie, “You took this suitcase last time.”
And in true Schwartz fashion, he takes zero ownership of the bra and attempts to push the blame on Katie. “I’m so fucked,” he says as he storms off.
We don’t know what’s sadder: that Schwartz would pull something like this or that Bravo would really think that we’d fall for this very clearly scripted moment. Either way, let’s move on.
After checking into their hotel room at Caesars Palace, Beau calls up Stassi’s dad, Mark, and proceeds to fumble over his words as he asks him for permission.
“I want to get your permission to propose to Stassi,” Beau starts.
“It’s funny, I found out that you had a lot of apprehensions about going out with her when you first started going out,” Mark responds.
“You don’t always know what might be a perfect fit for you, so, of course, Beau,” he then says to a very visibly relieved Beau. “I think y’all balance each other strong, and I think y’all would make a great couple. I’m very pleased to hear that, Beau.”
Elated, Beau says, “Thanks, Mark; that means a lot to me. I really appreciate it. I promise I’ll make a good son-in-law when the time happens.”
“Well, the problem is, I just can’t promise she’ll make a good wife,” Mark jokes, to which Beau responds with, “Burn!”
We’re then introduced to a Scheana look-a-like server, Karrah, at Lisa’s new Vegas restaurant — a server who eventually ends up sleeping with TomTom general manager Max Boyens. And this definitely feels like Bravo setting up a crossover for a Las Vegas-based Vanderpump Rules spinoff show.
Speaking of Scheana, we move onto Kristen Doute’s visit with Scheana, who’s recovering from her egg retrieval procedure.
“Nine were good,” Scheana said of her first retrieval surgery. “So, even if it’s one, then I’ll have 10. I will never put my body through this again. They knock me out and retrieve the egg in under five minutes. Then, I just have to wait and sit here and find out if even just one of the eggs are viable.”
No more weddings. We. Want. More. Scheana. You listening, Bravo?
Next, our suspicions were confirmed: Lisa “accidentally” put her undergarments in Schwartz’s luggage (sure, Jan). She tells Katie that it’s her sneaky way of holding Schwartz accountable — and watching him squirm.
“Everyone always says he gets away with shit, and he’s never held accountable,” she says to Katie. “So, let’s hold him accountable for something he didn’t do.”
“He’s gonna shit himself,” Katie responds. “Let’s do it.”
“I haven’t always been innocent, but more lately,” Tom says in a talking head. “I have a clear conscious, and it feels great.”
Back in Los Angeles, Dayna and Brett grow closer during a double date with James and Raquel. But we don’t care about that quite as much as watching Schwartz admit to Katie back at their hotel that he — surprise, surprise! — already lost the signed marriage certificate.
“The whole reason we’re here is because the paperwork was mismanaged, and they hand you a piece of paper and you couldn’t hold onto it for one hour?” Katie appropriately scolds Schwartz.
“It’s Las Vegas man,” Schwartz responds, adding in a talking head, “Even tho I lost the certificate, I didn’t lose what matters most: Lisa’s bra.”
So, uh, are they legally married or not? And good to know he values Lisa’s bra over his marriage to Katie. Cool, Tom.
“I married an imbecile, but it’s OK,” Katie says.
Vanderpump Rules airs Tuesdays at 9/8c on Bravo.
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