This Wife Talking To Her Husband Like She's In A 'Love Is Blind' Pod Is A Must-Watch Today
“Did you... pay the gas bill?”

Netflix’s hot mess of a reality TV show, Love Is Blind, has truly created a fandom unlike any other. They sleuth. They dissect. They analyze every single word these poor people say. They also like to pretend they’re on the show, sitting in those pods for weeks, trying to find their “person.”
As a married woman of a decade, I truly cannot fathom what dating in today’s world demands of you, let alone when you’re trying to date blindly on national television.
A Chicago-based comedian, Kim Quidlen, gave her take on a married lady dating her husband in the Love Is Blind pods, and the results were more than accurate.
“Did you pay the electricity bill this month? And if so, how did our usage compare to our neighbors?” she opens.
She then asks, “Do you want kids?”
Her husband, behind the camera, replies deadpan, “We have kids.”
“Yeah, but do you want them?” she replies.
“Do you want to switch from an HMO plan to a PPO plan?” Quidlin inquires.
“Yeah, I think we should,” her husband replies.
“Oh my god,” she replies with bliss, similar to that of Love Is Blind contestant after realizing they might have found their soulmate.
“Early sunrises, long walks, and late-night emotional talks with loved ones,” Quidlen says seemingly to describe what she loves until she concludes with, “What about you? What are three things that you hate?”
The two continue, going back and forth about community volunteering (she’s not into it) and the ambiguity of Quidlen’s age.
Then, she waits for that question that every single Love Is Blind contestant waits for at the end of the pod-dating stage: Did you want to order Thai food tonight?
After Quidlen’s husband pops the big question, she falls to the floor in shock (ala Chelsea from Season 6) and cannot contain her emotions. We get it, girl. We get it.
After her post went viral with over 4 million views, several TikTok users commented on the quirky take on the reality dating show, while also noting how accurately Quidlen’s mannerisms mimicked that of real Love Is Blind contestants.
“The sitting in weird positions is so real,” one user noted.
“You forgot your cocktail dress and heels to sit alone in a pod 😂,” another wrote.
Another joked, “I like to tell my husband ‘you’ve been acting really different since we left the pods.’”
All Quidlen needs to really make her Love Is Blind parody complete is a couple of those gaudy, gold goblet wine glasses, and she’s all set!